Agreement/Contract/ Liability Waiver
Congratulations on choosing to Evolve with UpBeat Evolution! This serves as your commitment to health and fitness. With Fairlane’s help and guidance, you will improve your overall health and wellness while practicing safe habits and a lifetime benefit of being healthy.
Remember, exercise and healthy eating are EQUALLY important! I am here to guide you through this journey but at the end of the day, you hold your own success in the palm of your hand.
The following information will provide you with important program policies. Before getting started, please read and sign this form to acknowledge that you have read and understand the following information..
Personal Training Information and Policies
1. Commitment: By purchasing a training program, the Client is making a commitment to his/her health. Clients should follow the program and instructions of Trainer to the best of their ability to maximize their results and better achieve their goals. Remember, the ultimate results are up to the Client: The Trainer will show Client how to work his/her muscles correctly and encourage him/her to go to his/her safe limit, but Client is the only one who can make sure he/she works out consistently, eats properly, gets plenty of sleep, and lives a healthy lifestyle.
2. Length of Sessions: Sessions will last per purchased program (30 minutes or 60 minutes). The Trainer may opt to vary the length of sessions at his/her discretion if needed. Virtuals: If client is not logged in 5 Min after scheduled session and without prior communication, this will count as a cancelation.
3. Punctuality: Client shall be attired as discussed below and ready to train at the time specified in paragraph 2. Failure to be prepared to train may result in a shortened workout or possible cancellation of the Session under paragraph seven (7) below if Client is more than fifteen (15) minutes late. If Client anticipates running late, he/she should contact Trainer as soon as possible. If client fails to cancel/ does not show up for a training session, this will count toward the Clients number of paid sessions.
4. Attire: Client must wear comfortable workout attire, including, but not limited to, clean t-shirts, shorts, tights, sweats, and/or tracksuits. Athletic shoes must be supportive and functional. Please do not hesitate to ask Trainer for advice on what type of clothing and shoes is appropriate.
5. Stopping Exercises: Client may refuse or stop any exercise for any reason. It is Client's responsibility to notify Trainer of any discomfort or pain arising from or during exercise, as well as, any and all other known limitations Client has or experiences so that Trainer may accommodate Client and substitute another exercise to work that particular muscle group.
6. Payment: Payments can be made via Cash, Venmo or through Online Store. First time Clients, must pay for 4 sessions. Any sessions after that, can be arranged as Pay-As-You-Train.
7. Cancellation of Training: One (1) hour cancellation notice via text is required to keep session credit. Any and all cancellations with less than 1 (1) hour notice will result in forfeiture of the Session without refund. If Trainer must cancel a Session he/she will do so, prior to the start of the session.
8. Disability: Should Client become unable to use or receive services under this contract due to a disability, Client, or Client's estate as the case may be, shall be liable only for that portion of the charges allocable to the time prior the onset of disability.
9. Confidentiality Agreement: The Client understands that the information collected by UpBeat Evolution will be used for fitness evaluation purposes and for the design, implementation, progression, and maintenance of an individualized fitness program only. I further understand that all such information is confidential and will not be shared with anyone without my prior written authorization, except in the case of a medical emergency or to the minimum extent necessary to achieve a safe and effective fitness program.
10. Health History: The Client may be required to have a Medical Clearance and Physicians Consent form signed prior to starting any training. If you Answer yes to any of the following questions you will be required to have a Medical Clearance and Physicians consent form Signed.
a. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?
b. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?
c. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you are not doing physical activity?
d. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?
e. Do you have a bone or joint problem (for example, back, neck, knee, or hip) that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?
f. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (for example, water pills) for your blood pressure or heart condition?
g. Do you know any other reason why you should not do physical activity?
h. Have you used or do you use drugs or do you smoke?
i. Do you have an abnormal resting EKG?
j. Are you Diabetic?
k. Do you have Hyperlipidemia (cholesterol >220mg/dl or total Cholesterol-to-HDL ration of >5.0?
11. Liability: Client assumes all risk of participating in an exercise program and agrees that neither UpBeat Evolution or Fairlane will be liable for any injury, illness, or similar difficulty that the client may suffer arising out of or connected with the Clients participation (In-Person and Online) in exercise or a training program at UpBeat Evolution.